
The accomplices of murderers

Romanians are also guilty

  The more I study the WWII more I am convinced that the Germans were like some evil spirits who not only murdered, burned and tortured as they passed, but they did that  their collaborators from other countries leave their inner demons too.
   Of all the Germans accomplices in their murders, Baltic, Polish, Ukrainian. Hungarians, Croats, etc., which killed more Jews after the Germans themselves were Romanians and in a very cruel way. 
And few people know it.

The Black Sunday of Iasi.

The pogroms  began on June 27, 1941. . Thousands were killed in the streets and in their homes, and thousands were arrested. On June 29, called for the community to "Black Sunday", met a crowd of Jews in the courtyard of the police headquarters. Romanian troops killed and 4,330 most survivors, along with Jews from other parts of Iasi, were herded and packed into sealed cattle cars. Of these, 2650 died of suffocation or thirst. In total, more than 10,000 were killed in Iasi.

Jews families killed by Rumanians

Rozin Lazar, who was 14 then, relates:

"They came into our house, shouting and stealing all our goods. We have ordered everyone out of the house, including my mother and my sisters. We arrived at the police section and along the way we saw how men were stuck and some corpses were dragged through the streets. "

In the following days, the "black Sunday", Romanian soldiers fired thousands of Jews who had been detained in police stations. Approximately 4,000 Jews from all parts of the city, were mounted on cars and trucks of goods. In each wagon were hundreds of people crowded while movian trains without opening the doors from one to another station in Moldova. The trains were guarded by German troops, the SS. Nobody was coming in trains stations, to give them water or open the doors to let in the air.

Approximately 2650 died because of suffocation or thirst, the smell of the corpses and misery resulting from the inhuman conditions in which they were transported. Some of them were saved in the station of the Roman city, thanks to the intervention of the Red Cross president of the city, Viorica Agarici.

The Germans got many accomplices in their mass murder. In some cases Poland, Baltic States, Hungary, Romania, much of the population hated Jews and willingly collaborated with the Germans.
Other countries like Denmark or Holland distinguished themselves in offering resistance to German orders and they helped the Jews all they could. Denmark achieved great success to save the majority of its Jews shipping them for Sweden, but Holland after a valiant initial resistance this began to falter. Friedänder Saul explains it in his book "The years of extermination", pp. 411-412.

"...Much of the outrage expressed by the Dutch population at the German persecution of the Jews during the first year of the occupation had turned into passivity by by 1942. The Dutch government-in-exile did not exhort its countrymen to help the Jews when the deportations started, although on two occasions, at the end of June and in July 1942, "Radio Oranje" did broadcast information previously aired by the BBC about the exter­minations in Poland. These reports did not make any deep impression on either the population or even the Jews. The fate of Polish Jews was one thing; the fate of the Jews of Holland quite another; this was common belief even among the leaders of the council.
Two young Dutch political prisoners who had witnessed the earliest gassings in Auschwitz (those of Russian prisoners and small groups of Jews) were released from the camp and, on their return to Holland, attempted to convince the leadership of the Dutch churches of What they saw: to no avail. Letters sent home by members of the Dutch Waf fen SS described in detail and with pride their participation in the massacre of Jews in the Ukraine, but the information was either taken in stride or,as one of the authors intimated, considered as a portent of things to come once men like himself returned to the home country.
Some protests against the deportations nonetheless did take place. On July 11 all major church leaders signed a letter addressed to Seyss-Inquart. The Germans tried conciliation first: They promised exemp­tions for some baptized Jews (but not for the Jews baptized after the occupation of the country). At first the churches did not give in: The main Protestant church (Herformde Kerk) proposed having the letter publicly read on Sunday, July 26. The Catholic and Calvinist church Ieaders agreed. When the Germans threatened retaliation, the Protestant leadership wavered; the Catholic bishops, led by the archbishop of Utrecht, Jan de Jong, decided to proceed nonetheless, and they did. In retaliation, during the night of August 1-2, the Germans arrested most Catholic Jews and sent them to Westerbork. According to Harster´s postwar testimony, Seyss-Inquart's retaliation stemmed from the fact that the bishops had protested against the deportatlOn of all Jews, not that of converted Jews only. Ninety-two Catholic Jews were ultimately deported to Auschwitz, among them the philosopher, Carmelite nun, and future Catholic saint, Edith Stein.
As months went by, the Germans had every reason to be satisfied. On November 16, Bene, Ribbentrop's representative in The Hague, sent a general report to the Wilhelmstrasse: "The deportation has. been gomg on without difficulties and incidents .... The Dutch population has gotten used to the deportation of the Jews. They are making no trouble whatsoever. Reports from Rauschwitz [sic] camp sound favorable. Therefore the Jews have abandoned their doubts and more or less voluntanly come to the collection points.
Generally speaking Bene wasn't wrong, as we know, although some details of the overall picture manifestly escaped him, as they escaped Harster's and Tulp's men. Soon after the beginning of the deportatlons, children were moved from the main assembly and processmg hall, the Hollandsche Schouwburg (renamed Joodsche Schouwburg), to an annex on the opposite side of the same street (the Crèche), a child-care center mainly for working-class families. At that point two members of the.Jew ish Council, Walter Suskind and Felix Halvestad succeeded m gammg ) access to some of the children's files and destroying them. Thus bereft of administrative identity, children were sporadically smuggled out of the Crèche with the help of the Dutch woman director, Henriette Rodriguez­Pimental; they were passed on to various clandestine networks that usually succeeded in finding safe places with Dutch families. Hundreds of children – possibly up to one thousand – were saved in this way.
Jewish adults encountered much greater difficultles in hiding among the population. The refusals (or the inaction ) .they encountered could have resulted from fear, distaste for Jews, tradltlonal anti-Semltism and "civic obedience," although-regarding the last-when in the spring of 1943, the Germans used utter brutality against any assistance to Dutch men hiding from work in the Reich, the readiness for illegal initiatives grew all around, From the outset, however, small networks of people wh( knew and trusted. one another and mostly shared a common rcligi ous background (CalVInIst and Catholic) did actively help Jews, notwithstandIng the risks. The limited scope of the grassroots actions has been attributed to the absence of hands-on leadership from the hierarchy of all Dutch Chnstlan churches, despite some of the courageous protests, particularly of Archbishop de Jong..."

La multitud observa el resultado de la masacre en Lietukis Garage, donde nacionalistas lituanos a favor de Alemania mataron a más de 50 hombres judíos. A las víctimas las golpearon, les arrojaron agua con mangueras y luego las asesinaron con barras de hierro.  Kovno, Lituania, 27 de junio de 1941.

The crowd watches the result of the slaughter in Lietukis Garage, where Lithuanian nationalists for Germany killed more than 50 Jewish men. The victims were beaten, doused with water hoses and then killed with iron bars. Kovno, Lithuania, June 27, 1941.
- Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstandes

Cadáveres de prisioneros del campo de concentración de Klooga apilados para la incineración. Las tropas soviéticas descubrieron los cuerpos durante la liberación del campo. Estonia, septiembre de 1944.

Corpses of prisoners Klooga concentration camp stacked for burning. Soviet troops discovered the bodies during the camp's liberation. Estonia, September 1944.
- National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.

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