The information about the gigantic exterminations of Jews in the East was of course not conveyed only by soldiers' letters. As early as in July 1941, Swiss diplomatic and consular representatives in the Reich and'satellite countries were filling detailed reports about the mass atrocities, all their information stemmed from German or related sources.130 Senior and even midlevel officials in various German ministries had access the communications of the Einsatzgruppen and to their computations of the staggering number of Jews they had murdered. Such information " was mentioned in internal Foreign Ministry correspondence in October 1941 and not even ranked top secret.131
In a letter addressed to his wife, Freya, Helmuth von Moltke displayed a clear understanding of what was going on: "The news from the East is terrible again. Our losses are obviously very, very heavy. But that could be borne if we were not burdened with a hecatombe of corpses. Again an": again one hears reports that in transports of prisoners or Jews only 20 percent arrive ... What will happen when the nation as a whole realizes that this war is lost, and lost differently from the last one? With a blood guilt that cannot be atoned for in our lifetime and can never be forgotten."132 These lines were written at the end of August 1941.
Page 294 . The years of exterminion ( Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939- 1945 ) . Saul Friedländer
Regarding the killings in occupied Soviet territories, Hassell received much of his information from Gen. Georg Thomas, chief of the Economic and Armaments Division of the Wehrmacht (who played a strange role as enforcer of looting in the occupied Soviet territories on the one hand, and source of information for the opposition to the regime on the other). "Conversations with Frida [Dohnanyi], among others and particularly a report from Auerley [Thomas], who again arrived from the front," Hassell recorded on October 4, "confirm the continuation of the most disgusting atrocities mainly against the Jews who are executed row after row without the least shame .... A headquarters commanding medical officer ... reported that he tested Russian dum-dum bullets in the execution ofJews and achieved such and such results; he was ready to go on and write a report that could be used in [anti-Soviet] propaganda about this ammunition!"135
German populations were also quite well informed about the goings-on in the concentration camps, even the most deadly ones. Thus, people living in the vicinity of Mauthausen, for example, could watch what was happening in the camp. On September 27, 1941, Eleanore Gusenbauer sent a letter of complaint to the Mauthausen police station: "In the concentration camp Mauthausen at the work site in Vienna Ditch inmates are being shot repeatedly; those badly struck live for yet some time, and so remain lying next to the dead for hours or even half a day long. My property lies upon an elevation next to the Vienna Ditch, and one is often an unwilling witness to such outrages. I am anyway sickly and such a sight makes a demand on my nerves that in the long run I cannot bear.
I request that it be arranged that such inhuman deeds be discontinued, or else done where one does not see it."136
Page 295 . The years of exterminion ( Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939- 1945 ) . Saul Friedländer
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Young Germans do not know the Holocaust
A survey reveals that 21% of Germans aged 18 to 30 years do not know what happened in Auschwitz.

The German magazine Stern published a study Forsa Research Institute, reveals that one in five young adults in Germany have no idea what happened in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz (Poland).
The 21% of respondents between 18 and 30 years could not associate the word 'Auschwitz' with anything special, and less recognize that it is the symbol of the Jewish genocide in Europe.
In contrast, 90% of those over 30 years did have knowledge of the concentration camp, but only one in three could say correctly that was located on Polish territory.
The liberation of the Auschwitz camp was made by the Russian army on January 27, 1945. Among his most famous prisoners include the girl Anne Frank and writer Primo Levi, who managed to survive this hell.
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The map of the Nazi horror widens
A study of the Holocaust Museum in Washington figure 42,500 death camps, forced labor centers and Jewish ghettos implemented by Hitler
YOLANDA MONGE Washington 5 MAR 2013
Filed in: Fields Washington Holocaust Nazi concentration WWII Museums Contemporary History United States History Latin America Culture Cultural Institutions
There are the great and infamous names that always conformed mapping horror: Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka, Warsaw. And then comes the vast and endless universe of large, medium or small camps and ghettos that formed the heart of the Nazi regime. Now, a study by researchers at the Holocaust Museum in Washington U.S. has been estimated at 42,500 centers of torture, suffering and death designed and implemented by the Nazis.
The total is so vastly superior to that previously thought that maybe the story of the Holocaust is about to be rewritten. In fact, the finding made by Geoffrey Megargee and Dean Martin-main-is responsible for the project of this magnitude in the numbers gives that fell as a blast from the Nazi horror specialists and the final solution.
According Megargee and Dean, between 15 and 20 million people were killed or imprisoned in some of the facilities created by the Nazi regime in Germany or in occupied countries from France to Romania, and now identified in a large volume encyclopedia whose last is expected to see the light in 2025. The sites now include not only documented death centers, but also 30,000 labor camps, 1,150 Jewish ghettos, concentration camps 980, 1,000 POW camps, 500 brothels full of sex slaves for the German military and thousands of other fields whose use was euthanize the elderly and infirm, abortions and germanizar prisoners.
Hartmut Berghoff, director of the German Historical Institute in Washington, says that when the Holocaust Museum this meticulous investigation began, "it was believed that the number of camps and ghettos was in 7000." Whole parts of wartime Europe became black holes of death, torture, and enslavement by creating ghettos and camps during Hitler's reign of brutality between 1933 and 1945. "Now we know how thick was that network, although many areas were small and had a short life," he explains.
Whole parts of wartime Europe became black holes of death, torture, and enslavement by creating ghettos and camps during Hitler's reign of brutality between 1933 and 1945
Initially, the camps were built to lock up political opponents of the regime, but as Nazism spread like a cancer throughout Europe, not only chased the Jews but also Gypsies, homosexuals, Poles, Russians, Communists, Spanish Republicans ... Depending on the needs of the Nazis, the ghettos and camps varied in size and organization, the study concludes.
The most infamous ghetto in Warsaw is that during higher occupancy housed 500,000 people. The smaller field now identified by the researchers of the Holocaust Museum had a dozen people in forced labor in München-Schwabing (Germany).
The investigation has been extended 13 years, over which the figures were growing steadily horror at the hands of the specialists ... to reach those 42,500. The map drawn these numbers provides a photograph that literally could not go anywhere without encountering German labor camp or concentration.
For years, many researchers have focused their work in bringing to light all the victims of the Holocaust, many thought it was much higher than that quoted in textbooks. The number of Jewish victims of Nazism stands at six million.
The finding is one more argument to counter the revisionists and Holocaust deniers
The research not only opens the door to a new chapter of what Nazi terminology called the final solution, but it will enable Holocaust survivors sue or recover properties that were stolen. To date, many requests to insurance companies were rejected because the victims said they had been in a field that did not register. That just changed. Although in the opinion of Professor Berghoff, say the story is going to rewrite it "an exaggeration." "The history of the Holocaust and its size is known to spare. But we knew new details, which is very important and leaves much clearer contours "he says.
Work has compiled documentation provided by more than 400 researchers and includes firsthand accounts of the victims that accurately describe how the system worked and what was their purpose. For some analysts, the finding is not only an essential tool for scholars and survivors but an argument to fight Holocaust deniers and revisionists.
The case of Henry Greenbaum, Holocaust survivor, 84, who lives just outside Washington, is included in the Museum's research. It is a clear example of the wide variety of sites that the Nazis used to kill those they considered enemies of his doctrine. Greenbaum spends his days showing today the Holocaust Museum visitors. Tattooed on his arm is the number that the system assigned: A188991. His first imprisonment was in Starachowice ghetto (in his native Poland), where the Germans locked him and his family along with other Jewish inhabitants in 1940. Greenbaum was 12 years old.
His family was sent to die in the Treblinka camp, as he and his sister were assigned to a labor camp. His next destination was Auschwitz, where he was taken to work in a factory in Poland, and then sent to another labor camp in Flossenburg, near the Czech border. At 17, Henry Greenbaum had gone through five different closures and was sixth field road when it was liberated by American soldiers in 1945.
Young Germans do not know the Holocaust
A survey reveals that 21% of Germans aged 18 to 30 years do not know what happened in Auschwitz.
The German magazine Stern published a study Forsa Research Institute, reveals that one in five young adults in Germany have no idea what happened in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz (Poland).
The 21% of respondents between 18 and 30 years could not associate the word 'Auschwitz' with anything special, and less recognize that it is the symbol of the Jewish genocide in Europe.
In contrast, 90% of those over 30 years did have knowledge of the concentration camp, but only one in three could say correctly that was located on Polish territory.
The liberation of the Auschwitz camp was made by the Russian army on January 27, 1945. Among his most famous prisoners include the girl Anne Frank and writer Primo Levi, who managed to survive this hell.
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