
Monday, 4 April 2016

A new inquisition in Estonia

In Estonia, a part of Russia for centuries and independent only since about 20 years and where a significant percentage of the population is Russian, and logically speaking Russian, Estonian separatists ,called nationalist, inspected companies examining the knowledge of Estonian (a language with great future) and fine and punishes those who do not speak Estonian properly.

This happens now in Europe within the EU and, of course, the European Union looks away.

Language Inspectorate (Estonia)
Language Inspectorate ( est. Keeleinspektsioon ) - Service consisting under the control of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Estonia . The aim of the Language Inspectorate is the supervision of the implementation of the language law and other legal acts regulating the knowledge and use of the state language. Office provided significant rights on the administrative impact on a wide range of state and public organizations, to private entities and individuals.
·         1 History
·         3 Activity and evaluation
·         4 References
·         5 Notes
History of the Language Inspectorate dates back to 23 on November 1990 the year when the State Chancellery in the control of the Estonian SSR was created by the State Department on matters of language , whose main task was to implement the language policy and the development of legal acts on the basis and in pursuance of the language law in 1989 .
Since 1995 Language Department was transferred to the sphere of the Ministry of Education, and in 1998 was reorganized into the Language Inspectorate .
In 1995 he was appointed Director General of Inspection Ilmar Tomusk.
The objectives, powers and techniques
According to the approved 13 June 2002 the year Resolution № 55 Minister of Education, "Regulations on the Language Inspectorate" Language Inspectorate is acting under the control of the Ministry of Education by a government agency, whose main tasks consist in the exercise of state supervision and the use of state coercion on the bases and to the extent provided by law .
As stated on the website of the Language Inspectorate, its main task is
to ensure fair and independent oversight of compliance with the law on language, emanating from the linguistic rights of both Estonians and representatives of national minorities.
The competence of the inspection includes:
·         supervise the execution of the requirements for language use in proceedings of public authorities and local governments, in the service sector, trade and health
·         supervision of compliance with the official use of literary language norm
·         monitor the implementation of the requirements for knowledge of the state language employees are responsible for knowing his duty.
To achieve these goals before the inspection, inspectors shall have the right to use various administrative measures from warnings to a very significant fines levied from the organizations and individuals, as well as instructions to government agencies and private companies to dismiss workers.
Activities and evaluation
The most famous [2] [3] [4] of the work of the Language Inspectorate is to carry out regular inspections in various institutions, where there is a significant number of Russian-speaking employees, formally obliged to know and use the Estonian language (such are, for example, a teacher of the Russian language in Russian schools or teachers in Russian kindergartens [4] ).
It is widely believed the Language Inspectorate as a repressive organ [5] , the main function of which is the constant pressure on the Russian-speaking part of Estonian society [6] . International organization Amnesty International described the agency as " repressive body, which prevents the spread of human rights " [5] . Among the Russian part of the Estonian population is widespread inspection unofficial name - Language Inquisition [3] [4] [7] [8] .
In the published March 2, 2010 report of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance it noted that according to some representatives of the Russian minority in Estonia, Language Inspectorate enjoys absolute power. The Commission recommended the establishment of a monitoring mechanism for the inspection activities and to consult regularly on these activities to the representatives of the Russian-speaking minorities, in order to improve their relations to the inspection [9] .
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in its decision on the situation in Estonia, issued August 27, 2010, recommended that the authorities review the role of the Estonian Language Inspectorate and abandon the punitive approach to language policy [10] .
Activities Inspectorate enjoys the approval and support of the Estonian nationalists [5] .
9.     European Commission against Racism and Intolerance: ECRI the REPORT the ON ESTONIA (Fourth to monitoring cycle) § 23-§ 24, pp. 14-15   (Eng.)
10.  Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: 77th the Session (2 - 27 August 2010)

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