The atrocities committed by the Germans are so many and so cruel that it is hard to believe them. The Germans hid them for decades in the postwar period, aided by the Americans and the English since the Nazis and the Philonazis who ruled in post-war Germany were their allies against Russia in the cold war.
Even now many of the atrocities are still hidden, most of the population knows the concentration camps and the gas chambers, but little or nothing of the mobile gas chambers, the burning of entire villages with all their inhabitants, of burying alive to the prisoners or to extract the blood of the Russian children until they died to provide it to the wounded Germans.
Yes. This seems horror movie happened, and not by a sadistic individual like Mengele but in a systematic and widespread form.
In her splendid book, Svetlana Alexievich, Nobel Prize for literature, collects the stories of Russian children during the war.
Belarus has been one of the republics of the Soviet Union that suffered most during WWII, lost one in every four inhabitants and the Germans created true demographic deserts in her.
The Germans murdered civilians in 5,295 different localities in occupied Soviet Belarus. and the population of Belarus did not regain its pre-war level until 1971.Germany destroyed 209 out of 290 cities in the republic, 85% of the republic's industry, and more than one million buildings.
In Svetlana Alexievich´s book a child of only four years , Sasha Suetin relates:
I only remember my mother ...
It´s difficult don´t cry after read this......
A testimony of Valia Matushkova, five years :
Of so many hugs, tears and kisses.
It´s amazing that this is a organizated chain of killers of children, doctors, nurses, soldiers and no one was punished !
Other testimony :
It is the Estate Of Winczent-Pokrewski. The enormous halls of architectural monument during the war were hospital chambers for the injured German soldiers and the officers.
- Here was a German garrison… And in this building all rooms, and here them there were about 33, they were filled by the injured. And these injured needed the fresh donor blood, tells the scientific worker of memorial “Belorussian children - the victims of fascism” Ludmila MELASHCHENKO. In the same building - the occupiers held about 2000 children. Predominantly girls from 8 to 14 years. the 1st group of the blood and positive Rh factor were most frequently encountered precisely in them. Benevolent aunts in the white dressing gowns regularly came and took away children by groups. They placed to the tables under the inclination and pushed through slender knobs into the openings in the wall. They took away the blood completely, and bodies were bur
And another :
If you look in the pantry, I saw a pile of bodies piled in the kids'
70 years ago in the occupied Makeyevka Samokhina Galina and her brother became prisoners of the shelter in which the Nazis used children as donors for the wounded German soldiers
In Makeevka Donetsk region there is the world's only monument to the donor children, who during the Great Patriotic War took blood for the injured occupants. Monument to murdered juvenile donors have set in place of their alleged dumping: in 1943, when Soviet troops liberated the Makeyevka, in the neighborhood Sotsgorodok of six shallow pits removed 300 children's bodies. According to the pathologists, were part of a commission to investigate Nazi crimes, these children have died from infectious diseases, and extreme exhaustion. "The complete absence of subcutaneous fat," - noted in an act of commission. They were mostly children from the Nazis set up a shelter, "Charity" in the dungeons of which have visited about 600 boys and girls aged from six months to 14 years.
- They fed us badly: overthrow the cart in the yard of rotten beets or corn on the cob dry, from which as much teeth chattered, and we are eagerly snapped up by all this so as not to starve to death, - says Galina. - Day of the mass poisoning, I remember very well. The street was unbearable heat. In the shelter brought the barrel with the blood of slaughtered animals, which swam green flies. This goo baked and gave us breakfast. By 11 o'clock in the morning all were poisoned. Many people, especially young children, died. I have the same dark eyes, I went outside and lay down on the bench, which stood at the entrance. The nurse grabbed me by the hair and dragged him off somewhere. "Easy to wash!" - She cried. All surviving children have a gastric lavage.
Prisoners kill shelter in no hurry: they were needed as donors for the wounded German soldiers.
- Nanny came to me and said, "You have to take a blood test," relegated to a room where I took the blood - says my companion. - But once I tried to escape. Because after these reviews I was very ill for several days dizzy.
Gale could not escape. Nurse grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room where the medical office. While the guard dragged her down the hallway, the girl saw in the room carried the lifeless body of a boy.
El único monumento a los niños :
Después de todo esto, usted considera que los alemanes son como otras naciones?.
Vampires of the Wehrmacht
Darkest attrocities
In Svetlana Alexievich´s book a child of only four years , Sasha Suetin relates:
I only remember my mother ...
It´s difficult don´t cry after read this......
A testimony of Valia Matushkova, five years :
Of so many hugs, tears and kisses.
It´s amazing that this is a organizated chain of killers of children, doctors, nurses, soldiers and no one was punished !
Other testimony :
It is the Estate Of Winczent-Pokrewski. The enormous halls of architectural monument during the war were hospital chambers for the injured German soldiers and the officers.
- Here was a German garrison… And in this building all rooms, and here them there were about 33, they were filled by the injured. And these injured needed the fresh donor blood, tells the scientific worker of memorial “Belorussian children - the victims of fascism” Ludmila MELASHCHENKO. In the same building - the occupiers held about 2000 children. Predominantly girls from 8 to 14 years. the 1st group of the blood and positive Rh factor were most frequently encountered precisely in them. Benevolent aunts in the white dressing gowns regularly came and took away children by groups. They placed to the tables under the inclination and pushed through slender knobs into the openings in the wall. They took away the blood completely, and bodies were bur
And another :
If you look in the pantry, I saw a pile of bodies piled in the kids'
70 years ago in the occupied Makeyevka Samokhina Galina and her brother became prisoners of the shelter in which the Nazis used children as donors for the wounded German soldiers
In Makeevka Donetsk region there is the world's only monument to the donor children, who during the Great Patriotic War took blood for the injured occupants. Monument to murdered juvenile donors have set in place of their alleged dumping: in 1943, when Soviet troops liberated the Makeyevka, in the neighborhood Sotsgorodok of six shallow pits removed 300 children's bodies. According to the pathologists, were part of a commission to investigate Nazi crimes, these children have died from infectious diseases, and extreme exhaustion. "The complete absence of subcutaneous fat," - noted in an act of commission. They were mostly children from the Nazis set up a shelter, "Charity" in the dungeons of which have visited about 600 boys and girls aged from six months to 14 years.
- They fed us badly: overthrow the cart in the yard of rotten beets or corn on the cob dry, from which as much teeth chattered, and we are eagerly snapped up by all this so as not to starve to death, - says Galina. - Day of the mass poisoning, I remember very well. The street was unbearable heat. In the shelter brought the barrel with the blood of slaughtered animals, which swam green flies. This goo baked and gave us breakfast. By 11 o'clock in the morning all were poisoned. Many people, especially young children, died. I have the same dark eyes, I went outside and lay down on the bench, which stood at the entrance. The nurse grabbed me by the hair and dragged him off somewhere. "Easy to wash!" - She cried. All surviving children have a gastric lavage.
Prisoners kill shelter in no hurry: they were needed as donors for the wounded German soldiers.
- Nanny came to me and said, "You have to take a blood test," relegated to a room where I took the blood - says my companion. - But once I tried to escape. Because after these reviews I was very ill for several days dizzy.
Gale could not escape. Nurse grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room where the medical office. While the guard dragged her down the hallway, the girl saw in the room carried the lifeless body of a boy.
The only monument to the children :
After all this, do you consider that Germans are like other nations? I do not believe it.
Vampires of the Wehrmacht
Darkest attrocities
![]() |
Svletana Alexievich |
![]() |
Belorus |
The Germans murdered civilians in 5,295 different localities in occupied Soviet Belarus. and the population of Belarus did not regain its pre-war level until 1971.Germany destroyed 209 out of 290 cities in the republic, 85% of the republic's industry, and more than one million buildings.
In Svetlana Alexievich´s book a child of only four years , Sasha Suetin relates:
I only remember my mother ...
First picture ...
My mother always wore a white coat ... My fatherhe was official, my mother worked in the hospital. That's what my older brother counted later. I just remember my mom's white coat. I do not even remember his face,only the white coat ... And also his white cap; She left italways on top of a small table, upright,never on the side; It was starched.
Second image ...
Mom has not come home ... I had become used tothat my father was out often, but Mom always coming home. My brother and I are left alone in home several days, we would not go out: "What if mom comes back?" . Someone knocked on the door. They are strangers, they dress us and they take us somewhere. I cry.
-Mom! Where is my mom?
-Don't cry, mom will find us. -My brother reassures He's three years older than me.
We were in a house, or in a long barrack, sitting in platforms to sleep. Hunger is constant, I suckthe buttons on the shirt, look like candy Dad brings me from his trips. I wait for mom.
Third image ...
A man puts me and my brother in a corner of the platform. He covers us with a blanket, he throws some rags above. I cry and he caresses my hair.
I calm down
Every day it repeats itself. One of the times I'm bored of waiting so long under the blanket and
begin to cry for low, then cry loudly. Someone appears,take the rags and pull the blanket. I open my eyes: in front of me there is a woman wrapped in a white coat.
-Mom! - I crawl towards her.
She caresses me. First the hair ..., then the hand ... Then take something out of a small metal box.I do not notice anything, I only see the white coat and the hat white.
Suddenly, a sharp pain in the hand! I have one needle stuck in the skin. I scream and I faint. I recover, next to me sits the man who has been hiding us On the other side, my brother is lying down.
-Don't be afraid -the man tells me- o He is not dead, he is asleep.
- It was not mom?
-Do not ...
-She had a white coat, like mom ... I repit again and again, and another.
-I made a toy. -The man passes me a Little ball of rag.
I take the toy and I stop crying.
I do not remember anything of what happened next: who and how did they save us from the German concentration camp? There the children drew blood for the German soldiers wounded. The children died. How did my brother and me arrived to the orphanage? How, at the end of the war, we received the warning of the death of our parents? Something happened to me in the memory. I do not remember faces, I do not remember words ...
The war finished. I started the first course. Other children they would read a poem two or three times and they would able to remember it. With ten times I was not able to learn it from memory, but for some reason the teachers did not put me never bad notes. To others yes, to me no.
This is all my history.
It´s difficult don´t cry after read this......
A testimony of Valia Matushkova, five years :
Valia Mátiushkova, five years
She is currently an engineer
I'll surprise her! I would like to remember something funny. Cheerful. I like to laugh, I do not want to cry. Oh, oh, oh ... It's already, I'm crying again ...
My father takes me to motherhood and tells me that ee will buy a child. I want to know what my little brother. I ask my father: «and how is it?». Heanswered : "He's a very small kid."
Suddenly, my father and I are in a very high place , the smoke comes through the window. Dad carries me in his arms;I ask that we return, that I have left my beautiful small bag. I get angry and I cry. Dad is quiet and he narrows me down to him, he tightens me so hard that I can not breathe. Soon my father disappears, I walk down the Street with a woman. We pass in front of a fence, after it are the prisoners of war. It's hot, they ask us give them water. I have two candies in my pocket. I throw them above the wire fence. But how come I have those twins sweets ? I do not remember. Some throw bread ... Cucumbers ... The guard shoots and we run ...
It's amazing, but I remember all that ... With detail ...
I remember in the juvenile center, which was close to with a wire. They were guarding us German soldiers and dogs; they were German shepherds. Among the children there was some who could not even walk, crawled. When they were hungry, they licked the soil ... They ate the dirt ...These were dying soon. The food was very bad; of the bread that they gave us our tongue swelled, so much that I could not speak. We do not even talk We only thought about eating. You had just have breakfast and you were already asking: "What will there be for the lunch? ». You had lunch and thought: "What will there be for dinner?"
We went under the wire and escaped to the city. Our only objective was to go and look for garbage Hit with a herring skin or with a few potatoes was an event. We eat them raws.
I remember that once, in the dumpster, I was caught by a man. I panicked.
- Sir, I will not do it again.
He wonder:
-Where is your family?
-I do not have. I'm from the juvenile center.
He took me to his house and gave me food. In his house there was only potatoes to eat. They boiled potatoes and I ate a whole casserole.
From the children's center they moved us to an orphanage; the orphanage was in front of the building of the High School of Medicine, there the German hospital was installed. I remember the low windows, the heavy shutters that they closed at night.
There they fed us very well, I gained weight. A woman that cleaned it there, it took me a lot of love. I felt sorry for all the children, but above all for me. When they were coming to take blood, we all tried to hide:
"The doctors are coming ..." She hid me in some corner. And he kept repeating that I looked like his daughter. The other children got under the beds and from there they were taken out with some bait: one day was a piece of bread, another day a toy. A little red ball was engraved on me ...
"The doctors" left and I went back to the room... I remember a little boy lying on a bed, his arm hung out of the bed, dripping blood.
The other children cried ... Every two or three weeks different children. Some were taken away, very weak and pales, and brought the new ones. These were fed very well.
German doctors believed that children's blood less than five years old, did that the German wounded recovered better. They believed that it possessed rejuvenating properties.
I found out later, of course, much later ...
But then I was dying to have a pretty toy.That red ball.
When the Germans left Minsk ... in retreat...that woman who helped me took us outside: "If you ihave someone family, look for them. If you do not have parents, go to any village: the people will save you ».
I did what he told us. I went to live at the house of a old woman ... I do not remember hher name, or what village she was. Remember that they arrested their daughter and we were both alone: an old woman and a girl. To endure a whole week we only had a piece of bread.
I was the last to know that the village had been liberated. I was sick. When I found out, I got up and I went to school. I was hooked on the first soldier I saw. I remember that his military shirt was completely wet.
It´s amazing that this is a organizated chain of killers of children, doctors, nurses, soldiers and no one was punished !
Other testimony :
It is the Estate Of Winczent-Pokrewski. The enormous halls of architectural monument during the war were hospital chambers for the injured German soldiers and the officers.
- Here was a German garrison… And in this building all rooms, and here them there were about 33, they were filled by the injured. And these injured needed the fresh donor blood, tells the scientific worker of memorial “Belorussian children - the victims of fascism” Ludmila MELASHCHENKO. In the same building - the occupiers held about 2000 children. Predominantly girls from 8 to 14 years. the 1st group of the blood and positive Rh factor were most frequently encountered precisely in them. Benevolent aunts in the white dressing gowns regularly came and took away children by groups. They placed to the tables under the inclination and pushed through slender knobs into the openings in the wall. They took away the blood completely, and bodies were bur
And another :
If you look in the pantry, I saw a pile of bodies piled in the kids'
70 years ago in the occupied Makeyevka Samokhina Galina and her brother became prisoners of the shelter in which the Nazis used children as donors for the wounded German soldiers
In Makeevka Donetsk region there is the world's only monument to the donor children, who during the Great Patriotic War took blood for the injured occupants. Monument to murdered juvenile donors have set in place of their alleged dumping: in 1943, when Soviet troops liberated the Makeyevka, in the neighborhood Sotsgorodok of six shallow pits removed 300 children's bodies. According to the pathologists, were part of a commission to investigate Nazi crimes, these children have died from infectious diseases, and extreme exhaustion. "The complete absence of subcutaneous fat," - noted in an act of commission. They were mostly children from the Nazis set up a shelter, "Charity" in the dungeons of which have visited about 600 boys and girls aged from six months to 14 years.
- They fed us badly: overthrow the cart in the yard of rotten beets or corn on the cob dry, from which as much teeth chattered, and we are eagerly snapped up by all this so as not to starve to death, - says Galina. - Day of the mass poisoning, I remember very well. The street was unbearable heat. In the shelter brought the barrel with the blood of slaughtered animals, which swam green flies. This goo baked and gave us breakfast. By 11 o'clock in the morning all were poisoned. Many people, especially young children, died. I have the same dark eyes, I went outside and lay down on the bench, which stood at the entrance. The nurse grabbed me by the hair and dragged him off somewhere. "Easy to wash!" - She cried. All surviving children have a gastric lavage.
Prisoners kill shelter in no hurry: they were needed as donors for the wounded German soldiers.
- Nanny came to me and said, "You have to take a blood test," relegated to a room where I took the blood - says my companion. - But once I tried to escape. Because after these reviews I was very ill for several days dizzy.
Gale could not escape. Nurse grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room where the medical office. While the guard dragged her down the hallway, the girl saw in the room carried the lifeless body of a boy.
El único monumento a los niños :
El único complejo memorial del mundo de los niños donantes, víctimas del nazismo, se encuentra en la región de Makeyevka Donetsk, Ucrania. En la estela de granito negro solo se inscribieron los nombres de 120 víctimas del nazismo. |
Vampires of the Wehrmacht
Darkest attrocities
In Svetlana Alexievich´s book a child of only four years , Sasha Suetin relates:
I only remember my mother ...
First picture ...
My mother always wore a white coat ... My fatherhe was official, my mother worked in the hospital. That's what my older brother counted later. I just remember my mom's white coat. I do not even remember his face,only the white coat ... And also his white cap; She left italways on top of a small table, upright,never on the side; It was starched.
Second image ...
Mom has not come home ... I had become used tothat my father was out often, but Mom always coming home. My brother and I are left alone in home several days, we would not go out: "What if mom comes back?" . Someone knocked on the door. They are strangers, they dress us and they take us somewhere. I cry.
-Mom! Where is my mom?
-Don't cry, mom will find us. -My brother reassures He's three years older than me.
We were in a house, or in a long barrack, sitting in platforms to sleep. Hunger is constant, I suckthe buttons on the shirt, look like candy Dad brings me from his trips. I wait for mom.
Third image ...
A man puts me and my brother in a corner of the platform. He covers us with a blanket, he throws some rags above. I cry and he caresses my hair.
I calm down
Every day it repeats itself. One of the times I'm bored of waiting so long under the blanket and
begin to cry for low, then cry loudly. Someone appears,take the rags and pull the blanket. I open my eyes: in front of me there is a woman wrapped in a white coat.
-Mom! - I crawl towards her.
She caresses me. First the hair ..., then the hand ... Then take something out of a small metal box.I do not notice anything, I only see the white coat and the hat white.
Suddenly, a sharp pain in the hand! I have one needle stuck in the skin. I scream and I faint. I recover, next to me sits the man who has been hiding us On the other side, my brother is lying down.
-Don't be afraid -the man tells me- o He is not dead, he is asleep.
- It was not mom?
-Do not ...
-She had a white coat, like mom ... I repit again and again, and another.
-I made a toy. -The man passes me a Little ball of rag.
I take the toy and I stop crying.
I do not remember anything of what happened next: who and how did they save us from the German concentration camp? There the children drew blood for the German soldiers wounded. The children died. How did my brother and me arrived to the orphanage? How, at the end of the war, we received the warning of the death of our parents? Something happened to me in the memory. I do not remember faces, I do not remember words ...
The war finished. I started the first course. Other children they would read a poem two or three times and they would able to remember it. With ten times I was not able to learn it from memory, but for some reason the teachers did not put me never bad notes. To others yes, to me no.
This is all my history.
It´s difficult don´t cry after read this......
A testimony of Valia Matushkova, five years :
Valia Mátiushkova, five years
She is currently an engineer
I'll surprise her! I would like to remember something funny. Cheerful. I like to laugh, I do not want to cry. Oh, oh, oh ... It's already, I'm crying again ...
My father takes me to motherhood and tells me that ee will buy a child. I want to know what my little brother. I ask my father: «and how is it?». Heanswered : "He's a very small kid."
Suddenly, my father and I are in a very high place , the smoke comes through the window. Dad carries me in his arms;I ask that we return, that I have left my beautiful small bag. I get angry and I cry. Dad is quiet and he narrows me down to him, he tightens me so hard that I can not breathe. Soon my father disappears, I walk down the Street with a woman. We pass in front of a fence, after it are the prisoners of war. It's hot, they ask us give them water. I have two candies in my pocket. I throw them above the wire fence. But how come I have those twins sweets ? I do not remember. Some throw bread ... Cucumbers ... The guard shoots and we run ...
It's amazing, but I remember all that ... With detail ...
I remember in the juvenile center, which was close to with a wire. They were guarding us German soldiers and dogs; they were German shepherds. Among the children there was some who could not even walk, crawled. When they were hungry, they licked the soil ... They ate the dirt ...These were dying soon. The food was very bad; of the bread that they gave us our tongue swelled, so much that I could not speak. We do not even talk We only thought about eating. You had just have breakfast and you were already asking: "What will there be for the lunch? ». You had lunch and thought: "What will there be for dinner?"
We went under the wire and escaped to the city. Our only objective was to go and look for garbage Hit with a herring skin or with a few potatoes was an event. We eat them raws.
I remember that once, in the dumpster, I was caught by a man. I panicked.
- Sir, I will not do it again.
He wonder:
-Where is your family?
-I do not have. I'm from the juvenile center.
He took me to his house and gave me food. In his house there was only potatoes to eat. They boiled potatoes and I ate a whole casserole.
From the children's center they moved us to an orphanage; the orphanage was in front of the building of the High School of Medicine, there the German hospital was installed. I remember the low windows, the heavy shutters that they closed at night.
There they fed us very well, I gained weight. A woman that cleaned it there, it took me a lot of love. I felt sorry for all the children, but above all for me. When they were coming to take blood, we all tried to hide:
"The doctors are coming ..." She hid me in some corner. And he kept repeating that I looked like his daughter. The other children got under the beds and from there they were taken out with some bait: one day was a piece of bread, another day a toy. A little red ball was engraved on me ...
"The doctors" left and I went back to the room... I remember a little boy lying on a bed, his arm hung out of the bed, dripping blood.
The other children cried ... Every two or three weeks different children. Some were taken away, very weak and pales, and brought the new ones. These were fed very well.
German doctors believed that children's blood less than five years old, did that the German wounded recovered better. They believed that it possessed rejuvenating properties.
I found out later, of course, much later ...
But then I was dying to have a pretty toy.That red ball.
When the Germans left Minsk ... in retreat...that woman who helped me took us outside: "If you ihave someone family, look for them. If you do not have parents, go to any village: the people will save you ».
I did what he told us. I went to live at the house of a old woman ... I do not remember hher name, or what village she was. Remember that they arrested their daughter and we were both alone: an old woman and a girl. To endure a whole week we only had a piece of bread.
I was the last to know that the village had been liberated. I was sick. When I found out, I got up and I went to school. I was hooked on the first soldier I saw. I remember that his military shirt was completely wet.
It´s amazing that this is a organizated chain of killers of children, doctors, nurses, soldiers and no one was punished !
Other testimony :
It is the Estate Of Winczent-Pokrewski. The enormous halls of architectural monument during the war were hospital chambers for the injured German soldiers and the officers.
- Here was a German garrison… And in this building all rooms, and here them there were about 33, they were filled by the injured. And these injured needed the fresh donor blood, tells the scientific worker of memorial “Belorussian children - the victims of fascism” Ludmila MELASHCHENKO. In the same building - the occupiers held about 2000 children. Predominantly girls from 8 to 14 years. the 1st group of the blood and positive Rh factor were most frequently encountered precisely in them. Benevolent aunts in the white dressing gowns regularly came and took away children by groups. They placed to the tables under the inclination and pushed through slender knobs into the openings in the wall. They took away the blood completely, and bodies were bur
And another :
If you look in the pantry, I saw a pile of bodies piled in the kids'
70 years ago in the occupied Makeyevka Samokhina Galina and her brother became prisoners of the shelter in which the Nazis used children as donors for the wounded German soldiers
In Makeevka Donetsk region there is the world's only monument to the donor children, who during the Great Patriotic War took blood for the injured occupants. Monument to murdered juvenile donors have set in place of their alleged dumping: in 1943, when Soviet troops liberated the Makeyevka, in the neighborhood Sotsgorodok of six shallow pits removed 300 children's bodies. According to the pathologists, were part of a commission to investigate Nazi crimes, these children have died from infectious diseases, and extreme exhaustion. "The complete absence of subcutaneous fat," - noted in an act of commission. They were mostly children from the Nazis set up a shelter, "Charity" in the dungeons of which have visited about 600 boys and girls aged from six months to 14 years.
- They fed us badly: overthrow the cart in the yard of rotten beets or corn on the cob dry, from which as much teeth chattered, and we are eagerly snapped up by all this so as not to starve to death, - says Galina. - Day of the mass poisoning, I remember very well. The street was unbearable heat. In the shelter brought the barrel with the blood of slaughtered animals, which swam green flies. This goo baked and gave us breakfast. By 11 o'clock in the morning all were poisoned. Many people, especially young children, died. I have the same dark eyes, I went outside and lay down on the bench, which stood at the entrance. The nurse grabbed me by the hair and dragged him off somewhere. "Easy to wash!" - She cried. All surviving children have a gastric lavage.
Prisoners kill shelter in no hurry: they were needed as donors for the wounded German soldiers.
- Nanny came to me and said, "You have to take a blood test," relegated to a room where I took the blood - says my companion. - But once I tried to escape. Because after these reviews I was very ill for several days dizzy.
Gale could not escape. Nurse grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room where the medical office. While the guard dragged her down the hallway, the girl saw in the room carried the lifeless body of a boy.
The only monument to the children :
The world's only memorial complex of the donor children, victims of Nazism, is in Makeyevka Donetsk region, Ukraine. On the stele of black granite inscribed only the names of 120 victims of Nazism. |
After all this, do you consider that Germans are like other nations? I do not believe it.
Vampires of the Wehrmacht
Darkest attrocities
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