Today, the events taking place in
Ukraine are closely watched in neighboring Belarus. And not only because of
certain geopolitical and historical parallels. In partisan Belarus, the memory
of the crimes committed against the Belarusian people by the Bandera
detachments, transferred to the aid of the occupying Nazi units and garrisons,
is alive.
Portraits of
Bandera and Shukhevych in the center of today's Kiev make old veterans from
Belarus re-experience everything that they saw during the Great Patriotic War,
and even after its end. The attempt to protect the murderers and rapists from
the OUN-UPA by the official representative of Ukraine to the UN, who stated
that the Russian / Soviet justice fabricated materials about the crimes of
Ukrainian nationalists for the Nuremberg trials, cannot but be outraged.
Bandera became the banner of the Kiev Maidan
The bloody trail left by the Bandera on the Belarusian soil still excites the people's memory, appeals to the condemnation of both the collaborators themselves and their modern lawyers.
The so-called
Ukrainian Insurgent Army was created on October 14, 1942. The UPA was headed by
Roman Shukhevych - the owner of two knightly orders of Nazi Germany. It was the
UPA that the fascists tried to oppose to the truly popular mass partisan
movement that had flared up in Belarus. For this purpose, not only were the UPA
units formed in Ukraine actively used, but also combat units were created from
among the prisoners of the Red Army-Ukrainians, whom the representatives of the
UPA actively processed. Moreover, this activity of Ukrainian emissaries, with
the active assistance of the German fascist administration, began on the
territory of Belarus even before the official creation of the UPA - in 1941.
As a result, Ukrainian auxiliary police battalions were created, which were reinforced by 8 battalions formed directly in Ukraine (101, 102, 109, 115, 118, 136, 137 and 201st). Later, other Bandera units were also deployed to Belarus.
Armed and ready to "work"
Due to the fact that
the Belarusian policemen were reluctant to carry out punitive operations, as
they feared for their fate, the Nazis entrusted these "functions" to
the alien battalions of Bandera. And they fully justified the hopes of the
invaders - they burned and killed indiscriminately and with pity, leaving
continuous ashes and mountains of people tortured and burned alive on the
Belarusian land.
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Khatyn |
One of the most famous and monstrous crimes was the participation of a company of the 118th battalion, most of whose personnel were Ukrainian nationalists, in a joint operation with the Germans to destroy the village of Khatyn on March 22, 1943. The village was burned to the ground. Together with the buildings, 149 civilians were shot and burned alive. About half of them are minor children, most of the other half are women and frail old people. Now Khatyn is known all over the world - a memorial complex was created on the site of the burnt village.
Have already "worked" ...
Modern followers of
Bandera and Shukhevych diligently disown the crime committed in Khatyn, trying
to prove that Ukrainian nationalists from the 118th battalion were
"immigrants from the Red Army." However, the "handwriting"
of sadists and punishers is quite recognizable. The militants of Shukhevych and
other Bandera punishers and scum in Belarus also committed other atrocities,
which have been fully proven to date, but have not received such fame as the
Khatyn tragedy. Particularly distinguished was the 201st battalion, the 1st
hundred of which, before the creation of the UPA, was commanded by the
"hero" of present-day Ukraine Roman Shukhevych (this "high
rank" was awarded to him by President V. Yushchenko, with which the
current illegitimate "rulers" of Ukraine and leaders of the Maidan).
Punishers and scoundrels from the 201st battalion of the Schutzmanschaft
(security police) left a bloody memory of themselves, zealously helping the
Nazis during the punitive operations "Swamp Fever" in the Vitebsk
region, "Triangle" in the Brest region, "Cottbus" in the
Minsk and Vitebsk regions ...
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Brest Region |
Operation Swamp Fever was carried out by the Nazis with the active participation of Bandera from August 25 to September 20, 1942 in the area of Lake Domzharitskoye in order to defeat the partisan detachment "Roman" (commander RA Dyakov). But in stubborn battles, the partisans inflicted heavy counterattacks on the punishers, and they refused to pursue. And the second stage of this operation was unsuccessful for the Germans and Bandera. It was supposed to destroy the partisan detachments "Avenger" (commander VT Voronyansky) and "Struggle" (commander SN Dolganov), which held the defense in the interfluve of Viliya and Ilia. The partisans not only escaped from the encirclement, but also led the bulk of the civilian population to the area of the Pedan-Mstizh villages.
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Tupichitsy |
This is also the work of punishers
During Operation Triangle in the Brest region, on September 11, 1942, residents of the village of Dremlevo in the Zhabinka district gathered to celebrate the feast of John the Baptist, which, according to historians, they celebrated annually since 1561, especially since the occupiers did not formally object to religious rituals. But right during the holiday, punishers burst into the village - many residents were killed right on the street, the rest were driven into a barn and burned. 190 Belarusians were killed.
Dremlevo |
Operation Cottbus began on June 20, 1943. Among others, the 15th, 102nd, 118th and 237th auxiliary police battalions were involved. The operation was carried out in the Minsk and Vitebsk regions with the active support of tanks, aviation and artillery. Not only partisan detachments were surrounded, but also many civilians and children. The partisans were forced to retreat into impenetrable forests and swamps. Civilians were hiding with them. A terrible hunger began. As a result of Operation Cottbus, more than 10 thousand people were killed.
In a letter to Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky, the idol of today's Maidan Ukraine, Shukhevych, unabashedly reported in the summer of 1942 about his “exploits”: “Your holy excellence. We are doing well, the Germans are satisfied with our work. " The “work” was murder and torture, the destruction of children, old people and women. It is no coincidence that the high-ranking SS man Bach-Zalevsky, who later testified at the Nuremberg Tribunal, considered this battalion the best among his punishers. Shukhevych, whose portraits adorn the center of Kiev today, was eventually awarded the Iron Cross "for diligence in military work."
Meanwhile, in clashes with the partisans, the Schutzmans were much less successful. After heavy punitive battles in the Lepel area (Vitebsk region), the Bandera simply fled, fleeing the zone saturated with partisans.
The UPA, by the way, was the direct ideological successor of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), whose members formed the backbone of the new organization. On the territory of Belarus, the OUN members, actively supported from abroad, began their activities since the reunification of Western Belarus and Ukraine with the USSR in 1939. After the start of the Nazi occupation, the southern regions of Belarus were included in the Reichskommissariat "Ukraine". In this regard, it was the Brest region, as the southern region of Belarus, that was subjected to powerful attacks by punishers from the UPA. In total, about 250 units of Ukrainian nationalists operated in the Brest region. OUN activists under the leadership of Bandera and Melnik actively joined the SS Galicia division created with the direct support of Himmler himself.
Such posters called punishers to fight "Bolshevism", but in reality - with the elderly, women and children
In the summer of 1942, another SS battalion, consisting of Ukrainian nationalists, arrived in Brest. The Jews had already been destroyed by this time, therefore, mass executions of Poles, underground workers, and all Belarusians began, who showed the slightest dissatisfaction with the “new” fascist “order” or were suspected of having links with partisans.
The village of Lelikovo in the Kobrin district of the Brest region of Belarus is located just a few kilometers from the current Belarusian-Ukrainian border. This is a typical Belarusian village, whose fate has been repeated by hundreds of villages. Despite the fact that Belarusians-Poleshuk (residents of Polesie - the southern part of Belarus), both in speech and in customs, differ little from the population of the border part of Ukraine, the Belarusian-Ukrainian border became a significant border, beyond which the influence of the OUN and UPA ended. Poleshuk, like the rest of the Belarusians, in their overwhelming majority supported the Soviet partisans. It was in Polesie that the detachments of Ukrainian nationalists, hoping to find allies for themselves in the "struggle for Great Ukraine", met fierce resistance from partisan detachments.
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Lelikovo |
OUN and UPA did not forgive the Belarusians for this. After the Red Army units and the partisan brigades that joined their ranks went to the west to beat the retreating fascists, a ruthless terror was launched against the civilian population of Belarusian villages by Bandera gangs. In Lelikovo, the journalists of “Sovetskaya Belorussia” conducted a mass poll of the local population in 2006 immediately after it was announced in Kiev that the OUN-UPA members of Bandera were now “heroes” of Ukraine. The inhabitants of the Belarusian village were outraged to the depths of their souls about what had happened. Here are just a few responses. “Bandera's people killed us. What kind of heroes are they? What kind of liberators are they? " - Petr Shepetyuk, head of the Lelikovsky village club, was indignant. He was supported by his wife Anastasia: "Although I was a child, I remember well how my father discussed the next raids of Bandera at the evenings with fellow villagers." Her uncle Ivan Shepetyuk (in Polesie often residents of an entire village have the same surname) remembered how Bandera killed his father, also Ivan Shepetyuk. Their father was also killed at Evdokia Gogniuk. During the war he mined salt for the partisans. And Nikolai Korzh recalled in detail the day of April 24, 1945: “We, small children, hid on the street, in a potato pit. Bandera's men saw us and threw a grenade. Mitya, he was already 14 years old, did not have time to jump out of the pit with the one-year-old Yakov in his arms. Perished. "
The same situation, as in Lelikovo, was in almost all the villages of the Divinsky district and other places in Polesie. Most of all, Belarusians are outraged by the fact that the brutal murders and tortures that took place almost until the mid-1950s, until the OUN-UPA Bandera members were finally defeated, were not committed by some aliens, but by residents of neighboring Ukrainian villages located just a few kilometers from Belarusian villages - the detachments of Dvorko, Ermak, Konopelko, Artemchuk, Yushchik, Savchuk and other scoundrels and scum. In the period from 1944 to 1946 alone, the OUN-UPA carried out 2384 terrorist attacks and sabotage in Belarus. 1,012 people were killed. There is data for 1945. Of those who fell at the hands of Bandera, only 50 were employees of the NKVD, 8 were officers, 28 were privates and sergeants of the Red Army. The remaining 298 people killed in the border regions of Belarus in 1945 were women, old people and children.
No forgiveness for the fiends!
Khatyn. A common memorial in memory of the Belarusian villages burned down by punishers
But here's what is disturbing. It would seem that in Belarus, where every fourth resident died during the war, and according to updated data, every third resident, the coming to power in Kiev of the Maidan forces, acting under Bandera slogans, should cause hostility and alarm. But the younger generation, who does not know anything about the war, increasingly begins to believe the fables that the bloody scum and scoundrels from the OUN-UPA are in fact “heroes who fought for the freedom of Ukraine”. And recently, on the state Belarusian TV, TV journalist Tengiz Dumbadze, who came from Georgia and made a rapid career in publicly supporting the authorities' position on the non-recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, said at all: you need to understand and even accept that Bandera and Shukhevych are real heroes for many Ukrainians ...
It is a pity if the lessons of the Maidan did not teach anyone anything. Whoever forgets the indelible bloody trail of the OUN-UPA militants on the Belarusian soil, he risks that someday the same trail will be left on his fate.
And more attrocities of the Germans in Bielorrusia.
Phото – http://www.radzima.org/ru/mesto/hatyny.html
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