The atrocities of the Germans seem to have no end, they committed all kinds of crimes in the occupied countries, today we will deal with the kidnapping of children.
It is estimated that there are about 200,000 children kidnapped by Germany, only in the Soviet Union there were about 50,000.
I read in WWII history books that Russian soldiers on their way encountered trains full of children going to Germany.
Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, blond and blue-eyed boys and girls who have drawn their "lucky ticket". They were not burned in the Auschwitz furnaces, they did not end up in the experimental subjects of Dr. Joseph Mengele, the "angel of death." They were forced to forget themselves. They had to become true Aryans, citizens of the Greater Reich. To do this, they changed their metrics, parents, nationality ...*
These children were deprived of their origins, of their family, and in a way they were lucky because they did not kill them by drawing their blood as thousands of other children or went to the death camps.
In 1938, SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler declared: "I intend to take German blood where I can." In the occupied territories, children were openly separated from their parents or kidnapped.
The selection criteria were blue eyes and blond hair, in keeping with Hitler's ideal of "Aryan." But, of course, the "kinders" had all the necessary measures taken to confirm their racial purity: they checked the shape and volume of the skull, the width of the nose, the distance between the corners of the chin. By the way, there were even Jewish children among those who passed the selection!
One wonders how the German courts reacted when one of these children claimed nowadays to the German State for the prejudices suffered. We will see that the German state always reacts in favor of criminals.
Here we will see some chilling stories of kidnapped children, now old people who try to find the truth and the cruel response of today's Germany.* The author is EKATERINA SAZHNEVA
You are not in the world
... On November 26, 2015, Hermann Lüdeking, 78, applied for a one-time grant in accordance with the federal government's decision on the payment of benefits to victims of Nazi injustice and under the General Consequences Act from the war. As a motive, Herr Lüdeking claimed that he was kidnapped by the SS in Poland in 1942 due to his "Aryan" appearance and was soon adopted by the German Lüdeking couple through the Lebensborn organization. The defendant, represented by the Directorate General of Customs, rejected this request on the grounds that this compensation could only be awarded to persons who were German citizens at the time of the damage. However, according to the plaintiff's statements, in those years he was Polish ...
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Stolen baby |
In 1944, Frau Maria Ludeking, a member of the Union of German Girls, lost her son at the front. She went to Lebensborn, an organization that carried out the forced Germanization of the best representatives of the non-Aryan peoples. She was allowed to pick up a child for herself. Roman was playing in the room with another boy. Maria appreciated both of them and finally took him away.
She for a long time she considered this woman and this man as her relatives.
They are both members of the Nazi Party, her husband is a loyal SS. Considering Herman's "low" record, they both treated him well.
In Roman-Hermann's repeated birth certificate, drawn up by Lebensborn himself and issued on March 7, 1944, the date of his birth was considered to be January 20, 1936, the place was a discreet Polish town of Bruckau. It turns out that he was born in ... 8 years.
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Herman Ludeking |
As a teenager, Herman accidentally unearthed a real birth certificate in the closet, where in place of both parents there was a script. He called Maria for a frank conversation, and she admitted that yes, her biological parents died in the war for the great Führer. Which was not true, they were shot.
At the age of 16, Herman broke up with his adoptive mother for good, his adoptive father had already died by that time. Perhaps Maria was not so much to blame for the tragedy of the adopted baby, she took care of her and tried to love him instead of loving her deceased child of hers, but he could not forgive her.
Through the Red Cross, Herman-Roman tried his whole life to return to his native Poland, but alas! The applications to the passport offices were returned with the answer that there had never been a person with data like yours. He grew old without finding himself
Deny the claim
Seven decades have passed since the day the all-powerful and mysterious "Lebensborn", who decided the fate of hundreds of thousands of children, ceased to exist. But, apparently, some orders remain unchanged.
“I preferred to take my son to Russia, I sued in this matter in Germany, and at the same time I decided to find out who was Judge Schommerz, who was in charge of my case, he raised his old judgments and gasped. It was he who at one time rejected Hermann Ludeking's claim for compensation for moral compensation, just because he was a citizen of Poland in childhood and, in principle, according to the German authorities, did not suffer in any way, on the contrary, you have to thank the Nazis for surviving, ”says Nikolai Erney.
At one point, many of the Lebensborn victims tried to uncover their past and receive monetary reparations, like the Jews for the Holocaust, but to no avail.
Only Herr Ludeking reached the final judgment. As a result, I completely lost ... And I still had to!
The Nazis preferred the small age to completely erase the memory. Most of the time, the captives were defined as orphans, and the place of their birth was called "the eastern lands of the Reich", the children were taught the German language, by the word spoken in their native language, they beat up that they completely forgot that, conditioned reflexes - not remembering that it brings pain.
Today, the German authorities require the plaintiffs to provide the original papers of their birth, the same ones that it is not possible to find, only in these conditions, perhaps they can count on something. "You are not injured, you are saved" are the main reasons for the denial of claims.
"I will meet my father and mother after death"
Geraubte - Stolen Children - Secret Victims, an organization that brings together former Lebensborn children. Unfortunately, each year its members are getting smaller and smaller. This is the natural course of things.
“In fact, I was surprised that the current authorities do not feel any remorse for their predecessors. Yes, in words, it seems, everything is completely different, lush wreaths on the graves of the victims of Nazism, an admission of guilt. But here they are: the real victims of a monstrous experiment who are still alive, help them, ”says Nikolai Erney.
The second old man with whom Nikolai communicated was Alexander Orlov, who was carried by a child to war from the Soviet Union.
He does not know from which region of the USSR he came to Germany and does not like to pronounce his German name. "I don't need compensation, I just want to know", this has always been his position. Without finding his roots, at the end of his life he defiantly changed his official name to the original Russian.
“He felt very bad when I contacted him. "Why do I need all this? - repeated the grandfather. "I don't need anything else. And very soon I will meet my relatives, my mother, my father, my brothers and sisters, in the other world."
Alexander Orlov has never been married, he has no children. And Hermann Ludeking has eight of them.
“What I don't understand is why the federal government doesn't want to recognize these older people as victims and pay. After all, these people are already counting on their fingers. In particular, the compensation is due to homosexuals, victims of euthanasia and those who have been subjected to forced sterilization, but there are no stolen children, regardless of their nationality, in the law ... The authorities will wait another five years, and then there will be No one left ”, wonders my interlocutor.
Volker Heinecke, Galina Bukovetski, Zita Sus, Janina Kunstovich ...
The last woman, 85, was seriously ill, so her daughter Bettina Grundmann-Horst told German journalists about the fate of her mother.
After World War II, Ioannina's biological parents were searched with the help of the International Red Cross. But the foster mother hid the girl, now named Johanna Kunzer, and she changed her place of residence to complicate the investigation. It was only in 1989 that Janina Kunstovich, who finally learned the truth, requested to use her real Polish surname. But she then she was denied this.
She “she has not provided compelling reasons that entitle her to issue a new birth certificate. If you are still interested in meeting this request, you must provide unequivocal and indisputable evidence, from which it can be inferred that you are Yanina Kunstovich, ”they officially responded.
“My mother has always been looking for her mother all her life. She suffered terribly from the fact that no one needed her, that she was abandoned, that she did not have a real home, ”her daughter said in an interview with German journalists.
In the summer of 2017, a large-scale German-Polish project took place by Deutsche Welle and the Interia news portal. The journalists visited institutions, archives and foundations, as well as the survivors of forced Germanization. Over several months, more than 40 articles and 24 videos were published. Reporters spoke to people who found out who they were in their eighties.
But even this investigation did not lead to the Lebensborn children being officially recognized as victims of Nazism.
“They forgot about us. Other groups received compensation from Germany, but not us, ”says Hermann Ludecking bitterly.
... In 1945, Lebensborn's last child was born in the American occupation zone of Germany. In the West, they have long been convinced that it is a peaceful structure that helps single mothers. The truth was revealed by the Nuremberg trials, Lebensborn leaders and employees were charged under three articles at once: a crime against humanity, war crimes and participation in a military organization. However, the head of the organization, Max Solman, was acquitted in the case Lebensborn; he was convicted only as an SS man.
Solman was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in prison. According to Wikipedia, he later worked as a journalist at an art publication, headed the department of correspondence and publicity, was manager of the Museum of Ancient Art in Munich, headed the board of a land limited company, headed an accounting firm, and later a glass factory. He died in his bed more than 30 years after the war.Max Solman
**In 1947, the head of Lebensborn, SS Standartenführer Max Sollmann, was brought before an American court in Nuremberg. Foam at the mouth, Zollman argued: "Lebensborn" was a charity office, the children were not kidnapped, but "saved from the horrors of war." They changed their documents so that "the adoptive parents, thinking they were Aryans, would treat them better." He received less than three years in prison for his membership in the SS. Later, as if to mock, he was fined 50 (!) Mark. Sollmann died in the 1970s in Steinhöring, next to the old Lebensborn office.
Ah, war, what have you done to us ...
After the victory, our repatriation corps began searching for the Soviet children taken out by the Germans. However, few were found, many were intimidated and did not want to confess their past, some did not even remember who they were.
It is believed that no more than 3% of those abducted were returned to the Soviet Union.
Unlike the USSR, the Polish government managed to clarify the fate of more than 30,000 Lebensborn students. They were also sent home. But there they could not be happy. The fascists made fun of them. They were forced to relearn the Polish language, to read Polish books. They were cursed for what the Germans did, because in the eyes of those around them they were Germans.
Many suffered an identity crisis until the end of their lives. Some years later, they searched for their adoptive families, from whom they were also forcibly separated.
... And there will probably be no end to the bridge over which Hermann Ludeking, 84, runs in his dreams.
And on the other side, eight-year-old Roman Rostakovsky is still waiting for him.
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