Among the many unknown facts of WWII is the behavior of the Finns. They were part of Russia until the Bolshevik revolution and their image in the world is of a small country invaded by their great neighbor, we see that not everything is black or white.
We present a brief note of his behavior with the Russian civilian population in WWII:
Extract from an article in the front-line newspaper "Into the Battle for the Motherland"
of February 1, 1944 on the establishment of concentration camps in Karelia
At the earliest 1 February 1944 III
This is what the White Finns are doing on the Karelian land
(from the front newspaper "In battle for the Motherland" dated February 1, 1944, No. 22)
In the city of Petrozavodsk, they carry out daily raids, during which
they take away all warm and valuable things from the population. Russians are prohibited from living
downtown. On the streets, they can only appear with red armbands on
hands. For the slightest offense, they are thrown into concentration camps.
The White Finns created a whole system of concentration camps. In Petrozavodsk
there are four of them. Each camp contains 3-5 thousand Soviet people.
There are about 3,000 people in the Vedlozero camp. There are also such camps
in Sheltozersky, Kondopoga and Prionezhsky districts.
The regime that has been established for Soviet citizens in the camps can hardly be called inhuman and cruel. What Soviet citizens are experiencing behind barbed wire defies description. Hungry, emaciated people are beaten and forced
work 14-16 hours a day.
Yuryev, who escaped from the camp on Kukkovka, says that 40 percent of the prisoners died of starvation and beatings. Even old people and children are driven behind barbed wire,
who are forced to do overwhelming, exhausting work. Prisoners
eat dead dogs, cats and horses.
There are also so-called labor camps in the occupied territory, where
the entire able-bodied population is being driven away and sent to defense work. Here
also mockery and arbitrariness reign. Lagernikov is kept on starvation rations. Except for 200 grams of bread in the morning and rye gourd in the evening, they are not given anything. From hunger
4–5 people die every day.
A local resident describes one such labor camp: “In the camp on the river
Enema - Obzha there are over a thousand Soviet people. The camp leader is Captain Salminen. This is a sadist and a beast. He always walks with a whip, which from beats the workers. "
In their anger and rage, the White Finnish executioners do not spare either the elderly or children. The commandant of the village of Panila IV, Vedlozersky district, Toivo Pasonen, beat him with a rubber duo. There are no appendices in the file.
II The document was signed by the deputy M.I. Baskakova - A.M. Kuznetsov, from July 31, 1943 - People's Commissar
state security of the KFSSR.
III Dated from the text of the document.
IV So in the document. That's right: Pannila.
with a bink until she lost consciousness, the collective farmer Petrova Maria for the fact that she, being sick and blind, could not go to defense work. In schools, Finnish "teachers" beat children with whips and rods.
The White Finnish invaders defeated all collective farms in the regions occupied by them.
In Olonetsky, Vedlozersky, Segozersky and other regions, all crops are declared the property of the Finns. The entire crop of 1941, 1942 and 1943 was exported to Finland. Yet
in 1941 all household plots were taken from the population. The population is starving. When the indignant population of the Tolvuy village council came to the local district headquarters and began to demand bread, the Finnish officer cynically replied: “You, Russians,
you will only eat when we deem it necessary to feed you. "
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Finland after Russian -Finnish war |
Special message of the acting chief
1st Department of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB USSR Tikhonov People's Commissar
state security of the USSR V.N. Merkulov on the actions of the Finnish
occupation authorities in the Karelo-Finnish SSR
March 7, 1944
No. 4/8/1752
Special message
People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR
Comrade MerkulovF
According to the NKGB of the Karelo-Finnish SSR, received from the operational groups operating in the occupied territory of the Karelo-Finnish SSR103, about the measures
the enemy knows the following:
The occupation authorities in the Sheltozero region are campaigning among the population
for the fact that in the event of the retreat of the Finnish troops, the population must burn their houses
and whole villages and go with the Finns to Finland. Otherwise
threaten to be shot. According to the message of the "Girlfriend" agent group dated March 4, 1944.
in the village of Leh-Navolok, Prionezhsky district, 7 kilometers from the city of Petrozavodsk, at school, teachers tell the children that when the Finnish troops retreat alive
from the population no one will be left, but all will be shot.
At the same time, the occupiers are pursuing a policy of flirting with the population. So,
in the Prionezhsky region, where the Russian population lives, according to the agent
"Chizhik" dated February 22, 1944, the Finnish authorities began to treat the population better. This is expressed in the fact that the salaries of the population have been increased, if earlier
the average salary was 800 Finnish marks a month, but now they pay up to 1500 Finnish marks, there are no taxes, except for the share of income received from the livestock available to the population.
Along with this, the invaders in every possible way mock Soviet people in the occupied regions of the Karelo-Finnish SSR.
In the village of Zalesye, Sheltozero District, the Finnish authorities for late payment of taxes was beaten with rods in the presence of all residents of the village Chetverikov Dmitry Maksimovich, 50 years old.
In the village of Sheltozero, twenty-year-old I. was raped by Finnish soldiers.
who was accused of "slandering Finnish soldiers." She was arrested while holding whether in a cold room and bullied. As a result of bullying I. died. On her the parents' funeral was not admitted.
Residents of the village of Nizovye, Sheltozersky district Maksimova Maria and Myakisheva
Anna sentenced to 10 years in prison with confiscation of all property for what they gave
bread to one partisan.
In the village of Zalesye, a 10-year-old boy Zherebtsov Zhenya was beaten by a Finn teacher until he lost consciousness.
Mass hijacking continues from the occupied regions of the Karelo-Finnish SSR
Soviet citizens to Finland, especially Russians in concentration camps.
The entire population was taken from Petrozavodsk to Finland.
concentration camps of the city. In the near future, it is planned to take 300 residents from the Voznesenie region to Finland.
In recent days, the Finns have been taking away valuables from the occupied areas.
So, according to the message of the "Girlfriend" group of March 4, 1944, the occupants are taking out
to Finland metal, copper, gold and destroy large brick houses that
also taken away from Petrozavodsk and Solomenny.
A census of livestock is being urgently carried out in all villages in the occupied regions.
For the head [chief] of the 1st section of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR Tikhonov
Resolution I
: Send to: Merkulov, Kobulov, Fedotov. Head [head] of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR Sudoplatov.
An act drawn up by representatives of the political department of the 7th Army,
newspapers "To the Glory of the Motherland" and former prisoners
Ilyinsky camp number 8, on the conditions of detention in the camp
After the Finnish troops captured the villages and villages of the Olonets region
Karelo-Finnish SSR, they created in the area adjacent to the Ilyinsky Sawmill
3 concentration camps, where more than two thousand Soviet citizens were imprisoned,
Russians by nationality 104. The Finnish military authorities called these camps resettlement camps, but in reality they were concentration camps in which there was
a barbaric regime is established. Civilians - women, children and the elderly - were here in the position of prisoners of war. These are the rules that were established in the camp.
state farm number 8. The whole camp was surrounded by barbed wire, and the sentries had an order
open fire on anyone who tries to leave the camp. Walking on
the camp was only allowed until 9 o'clock in the evening.
At the time of the liberation of the territory by Soviet troops, there were 471 people in the camp, including 64 men, 208 women, and infants
up to 16 years - 199. All prisoners in the camp were in extremely difficult conditions. The ration given to the prisoners consisted of 150-300 g of dry black biscuits,
baked from oatmeal and other garbage, from a portion of liquid soup - gruel. Sometimes the so-called "sausage" was issued, made from meat, mainly horse
garbage mixed with cereals. The sausage was always delivered moldy, with signs of rotting, with worms. And no matter how hungry the prisoners were, they often
threw this sausage in the trash. The prisoners were exhausted by backbreaking work - according to
12-14 hours [aces] per day on logging. The Finns made children work. Fourteen-year-old girls Zina Avkudinova, Asya Starchenko, Lida Degtyareva - 15 years old
and many others were forcibly sent into the forest and had to cut
three kb.I
for a couple. For almost three years, the Finnish authorities did not give any prisoner a pair of boots or any kind of clothing, but required that in any weather
the prisoners went to work every day. This led to massive cases of frostbite. Soviet teacher L.G. Pozik in the winter of 1942, together with 19 prisoners, was sent into the forest to build a road. They weren't given any tools
and they had to trample the path with their feet. Posik froze her arms and legs and asked permission to leave work an hour earlier. She was released, and on the same day in the evening she was summoned to the camp commandant's office, stripped, knocked to the floor and struck 24 times.
with a rubber truncheon.
In the commandant's office there was a whole set of different whips: from thick square rubber and round ones filled with sand. Beatings were common. Cruel
Male prisoners were beaten to a pulp if they spoke to a female prisoner in the street. E.K. Zaretskaya 43 years old, mother of three children received 30 lashes
by order of the commandant Matti, for the fact that her daughter found bread on the road, dropped
from a Finnish car. The victim says: “They put me on a bench, lifted my skirt and began to beat me. Two soldiers held their heads and legs while Matti beat. As a result of the beating, I temporarily lost my sight. "
In addition to individual flogging, mass flogging was carried out. In September 1943 the group
women went from the camp to the village of Tuksa to search for the remains of
potatoes. On their return to the camp, 24 women were beaten with whips in the commandant's office by order of Junior Sergeant Kashimyaki Toko. They beat them like this: they ordered
take off their outerwear, lie down on the bench and beat me. So they were beaten: Tatiana
Denisevich, Evdokia Potasheva, Tatiana Mukhina - 17 years old, Alexandra Mukhina - 15 years old,
pregnant Sergeantova Anastasia and others. Heartbreaking screams spread throughout the camp. The bodies of the tortured were covered in black bruises.
After the beating, they were deprived of half of their weekly rations. The inmates were subjected to other bullying as well. In March 1944, the Finns came up with a new punishment. For failure to fulfill unbearable tasks or as the Finnish executioners put it
“For poor work” were shaved baldly: A. Potasheva, T. Korzk, O. Tumanova, A. Voronin and the girls L. Sazhinov, V. Nikiforova, A. Smirnova and others. The Finnish authorities did not
took care of sanitary conditions - for all the time the prisoners received 150 g of soap.
As a result of systematic malnutrition, grueling labor, beatings in the camp
died up to 25% of prisoners. Finnish executioners kept a register of all produced
executions with the indication of the name of the punished, the number of blows, but before retreating, all these materials were burned. All of these crimes are directly guilty of:
Corporal Määlepää II, soldier Edward Julimannila, junior sergeant Matti Juli-Luoma
Junior Sergeant Chuko Kasimyaki, Lieutenant of Torma Kerry I
, soldier Lauri Lehtinen,
Alexey Ipatti, sergeant major Mikko Lohikoski.
This act was drawn up on July 1, 1944.
Former prisoners of the camp of state farm No. 8: E.I. Basina, M.I. Kutova, E.G. Bone,
A.N. Fedorova, E.P. Basin.
Major of the political department of the army (signature)
Representative of the newspaper "To the Glory of the Motherland" captain (signature)
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