
Friday, 11 November 2022

The Baltic countries, artificial countries full of Nazis. Lithuania

 The so-called Baltic countries. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the last 500 years were never independent being part of Germany or Russia most of the time.

Currently, after their independence, they have important Russian minorities within them.

 Estonia with 1,329,000 inhabitants has 500,000 inhabitants of Russian descent, 37.6% of the population.

Latvia with 1.883.000 inhabitants has 37,2% of Russian descent population , and Lithuania with 2.795.000 inhabitants have about 15% of inhabitants of Russian descent.

As we can see, they are important minorities and what a normal person can expect is that minorities be respected for peaceful coexistence, but unfortunately this is not the case.
The behavior of the Baltics towards the Russian-speaking minorities is atrocious, violates all human rights and what is more serious, the European Union and the United Nations Organization turn a blind eye towards this behavior.
As simple examples we can mention that thousands of Russian-speaking inhabitants who were not only born in the Baltic countries, but also their parents and grandparents, lack a passport, citizenship and the right to vote. This violates the most elementary human rights and is an ethnic selection.
Why do the Balts ethnically segregate and pay periodic tributes to Nazi Germans?
let's see a small sample of some of the rulers of these artificial mini-states, beggining with Lithuania.

Valdas Adamkus
Valdas Adamkus. Was President of Lithuania from 1998 to 2003 and from 2004 to 2009.

During the Nazi occupation he served as an assistant to the criminal Antanas Impulevicius, whose detachment, by order of the Nazis, massacred Jews in the Minsk ghetto. However, this did not prevent Western "democrats" from conferring the title of "UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador" on Valdas Adamkus in 2003 and giving him many orders.

Jews in the Mins Guetto

In this case, they do not care that during the period of his presidency this “goodwill ambassador” managed to posthumously reward a war criminal, priest Jonas Žvinis, posthumously promote Lithuanian policeman , who distinguished himself during the years of war in operations to exterminate the peaceful population in Belarus.

Astanas Impolevicius

Other President of Lithuania from 2009 to 2019 Dalia Grybauskaitė  


She also "sympathizes" with the neo-Nazi spirit. Moreover, not so long ago, as in 2012, this lady achieved an honorary reburial of the remains of such a figure as Juozas Ambrazevicius. This figure, in the rank of head of the puppet government of Lithuania during the years of Nazi occupation in 1941, created and supervised the first concentration camp for the Jewish population in Kovno (Kaunas ) with his own Lithuanian administration. Like so many Nazi criminals, he emigrated to the United States

Interestingly, Dalia Grybauskaitė  from 1983 to December 1989, she was a member of the communist party, which shows that these small countries are actually private estates of the communists, and their descendants, who ruled them when they became independent, as has happened with all the republics that became independent from the USSR.

Kovno Massacre 

Juozas Ambrazevicius

 The Soviet army liberated Kovno on August 1, 1944. Of Kovno's few Jewish survivors, 500 had survived in forests or in bunkers. The
Kovno Guetto

Germans evacuated an additional 2,500 to concentration camps in Germany.

Lithuanian Gobernmant collaborator of Nazis Germans

The small population and size of these artificial countries would make their survival almost impossible were it not for Western aid to employ them, like Poland, against Russia and as launderers of dirty money for multiple businesses.

In addition to violating the human rights of Russian speakers, these artificial countries have become tax havens for criminals and corruption scandals, little known in the West, like everything that happens there, multiply. We will deal with them in other articles.

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